
TAG : Would You Rather ?

Hello !
The Would you rather tag ( book edition ) was created by Rachel Reads on youtube 
i haven't been tagged to do this but i wanted to,, 
 So let's do This 

1. Read only trilogies or stand-alones?
i definitely prefer stand-alones to trilogies , but i don't really mind if i'm going to read a trilogy  

2.  only read male or female authors?
i don't really care whether the writer of the book i'm reading is a male or a female ,, i mean i love both 

3.  shop at Barnes and Noble or Amazon?
ouups !! we  don't have Barnes and Noble and we can't buy things Online !!! 

4.  books were made into TV shows or movies?
Tv Shows ,, Movies always skip a lot of details   

5.  read only 5 pages per day or 5 books per week?
well , 5 pages per day won't definitely do ,  but 5 books per week !! i don't think i can do it (i really don't have time especially with my studies ) 

6.  be a professional author or reviewer?
i'll definitely would be a Reviewer ,, i love reading way more than writing and i want to share my thoughts about the book i'm reading

7. Only read your top 20 favorite books over and over or always read new ones that you haven't read before?
Always read new ones that i haven't read before ,i'm not really a big fan of "Rereading books" 

8.  be a librarian or a bookseller?
A bookseller ,, and I would love to have my own book store

9.  read only your favorite genre, or every other genre but your favorite?
i love reading different genres of books ,, but for this i'm choosing my favorite genre 

10.  only read ebooks or physical books?
Of COURSE  Physical books , i hate ebooks , i just want to have the book in my hands 

So that's it , hope you liked it  , 
And i tag everyone who want to do it :)